How to tell if a girl likes you

How to tell if a girl likes you

29 Signs a girl likes you

Guys always talk about how hard it is to  understand women. There are numerous jokes  on that subject, some of which suggest that women  themselves don’t know what they want. They also  argue that’s incredibly difficult to figure out  whether a girl likes you or not. But the truth is,  when you do some research and try to understand  female psychology, this task becomes a lot easier.  There are numerous signs that a girl has a crush  on you; you just need to know what you are looking  for.

 Here are 14 signs a girl likes you:

No 1: When she sees you,  

she stands taller and sucks her stomach in Girls are very self-conscious about the way  

they look. One of the signs she likes you is that  she corrects her posture when you are around.  This means she wants you to notice her  and that she's trying to impress you.  Girls stand tall and suck their bellies in  when they want to accentuate their bodies.  

You should also check out her posture when  she walks past you or away from you. If she thinks you’re looking, she’ll subconsciously  change her posture as we've just described. 

No 2: Her body (feet, shoulders)  is turned towards you 

Psychologists say that this is one of the  best non-verbal signs that a girl likes you.  

When she likes you, her attention is on you and  she shows it by facing you with her body. She  wants to show you she is focused on you. She is  giving you her undivided attention and that is a  great sign. Keep an eye out for where her feet and  shoulders are positioned in relation to you. That  can tell you a lot about her feelings toward you. 

No 3: She often initiates physical contact 

It is common knowledge that people  touch those they like more often.  While this may not apply to those who are  uncomfortable with physical contact in public,  generally speaking, if she’s into you, she’ll find  a way to touch you more often. Touching your arm,  for example, is definitely a good clue because  it’s deliberate and can be very intimate. This  doesn’t only apply to touches. A girl who is into  you will often pick lint off your clothes or fix  an article of your clothing that’s crooked; these  are all excuses for physical contact with you. 

No 4: She blushes when you are around her

Men and women can blush for various reasons,  like nervousness or shame. But if she blushes  because of something you have said or done,  that is a good sign she likes you. This blushing  has less to do with embarrassment and more to do  with excitement. She is thrilled you are around  her and nervous about how she appears to you,  which results in pink or even bright red  blotches on her cheeks. If you flirt with  her and see her cheeks turn pink, it’s a sign  that she may be hiding real feelings for you. 

No 5: She mimics your gesturing and movements Mimicking the gestures and movements of a person  

we like is something we do subconsciously. If  a girl likes you, she may subconsciously begin  to act like you. It's a way of telling you that  you're both alike, which means you'd make a good  match. She will probably mostly mimic gestures  and movements because these are most noticeable,  but she could also mimic the tone  of your voice, your choice of words,  and your cadence of speech. All of this is done  in order to show that you are made for each other. 

No 6: She often fixes her hair, clothes, and makeup 

Women want to look their best in front of someone  they like. They are aware that men are very visual  and pay a lot of attention to how women look.  That is why they tend to preen  themselves when around men they like.  If she often fixes her hair, clothes, or makeup  when you are around, this could be a sign that  she is into you. This type of behavior can also  serve the purpose of calming her down. 

We tend to be nervous around people we like, and when  nervous, we usually get fidgety and try to calm  our nerves by handling our clothes or hair.

No 7: She pays undivided attention to you 

When you are chatting with someone you  like, they are the center of your attention.  

If she likes you, she’ll enjoy the time she spends  with you. She’ll give you undivided attention and  will be enthusiastic about the exchange. She will  rarely look the other way when you talk to her.  More often, she will direct her full attention  to you; she will maintain eye contact, listen  to what you say, and answer appropriately. All  of this is an excellent sign that she likes you. 

No 8: She pays attention to your  reaction when she says something 

If a girl likes you, she will be eager  to know your reactions to what she says.  She wants you to like her, so she'll try to talk  about interesting things and check if she is getting the reaction she hoped for. If she looks  at you after she says something, that it’s a great  indicator she’s seeking your approval or trying  to impress you. Pay special attention to whether  or not she looks at you after she tells a joke or  says something funny. If she likes you, she will  try to show you that she is funny and interesting,  and she is bound to check if she made you laugh. 

No 9: She often initiates  chatting on social media with you 

When a girl likes you, she will want to  communicate with you. This applies both in  person and online. A girl who is into you will  often initiate chatting on social media. Out of  all the people she could chat with, she chose to  chat with you. This is definitely a good sign.  Moreover, if she doesn’t send one-word  responses and her responses are thoughtful,  that’s an even better sign. Another  good indicator that she likes you  taken from social media, is “liking”  and interacting with your posts . So,  watch her social media activity if  you want a sign that she is into you

No 10: She laughs at your silly  jokes and smiles at you often 

Admit it, you sometimes tell a stupid  or silly joke. You know it's stupid, everyone else (including her) knows it’s stupid,  but she laughs anyway. She must like you!  She wants to draw your attention to her and send  you a signal that she likes you. In addition,  if she smiles a lot at you, especially when you  talk, she is giving you the green light. She is  sending a signal that she thinks you are nice and  that she is open to getting to know you better.

No 11 She has “open” body  language when you are around 

If she likes you, she is bound to be comfortable  with you. And, if she is comfortable with you,  she will be relaxed and loose with her body  language. She will not sit hunched over,  have her arms crossed, or shy away from  you; she will spread her arms and legs.  This type of body language serves the purpose  of showing she is “inviting” you to engage in communication with her. She is open to getting  closer to you and her body is indicating that. 

No12: She teases you in a good, fun way

 Studies have shown that humor in conversations  makes a person appear more likable,  and telling jokes can bring a sense of  calm to the conversation during the flirting  process. So, if she teases you in a fun way,  not in a way that may be considered  rude, that is a good sign she likes you.   One theory is that teasing is a way to increase  the intimacy of conversation, as it allows two  people to get into personal territory while still  keeping things on the lighter side. Teasing can be  considered a game of outwitting each other, and  she is inviting you to play if she initiates it. 

No 13: She remembers the things you tell her If a girl likes you,

 she will pay close attention to you and the things you say,  as we previously explained. The result  of that attention is that she is very  likely to remember the things you said,  like your pet’s name or your favorite baseball  team. That’s proof she’s hanging on your every word and is genuinely interested in what you’re  telling her. It is an even better sign if she  remembers something you said that doesn’t interest  her personally. That means she makes a real effort  in remembering what is important to you, even  if she couldn’t care less about the matter. 

No 14: She gets a little  nervous and fidgety around you 

If a woman likes you, she’ll have butterflies in  her stomach when she sees you, and that might mean  her brain takes a short break. She might appear  nervous; she might also touch her face often  or blink more frequently or even contort her  hands or rub them together. All these behaviors  are a sign of nervousness that comes out of the  desire to impress you. Nervousness is a good sign  if you two don’t know each other very well; as she  gets to know you more, the nerves should go away. Dating and romantic relationships are very complex  because human behavior is very complicated itself.  There are many more or less subtle signs to  know what a girl  thinks about you. Noticing several of the  signs from our list is clearly very helpful  when you are trying to figure out if a  girl likes you as more than just a friend,  and the more signs you notice, the  clearer the picture will become.

  So Next here we’re sharing the 5 hidden signs a girl likes you.

29 Hidden Signs a girl likes you

People hide how they really feel about someone for any number of reasons,But regardless of those reasons, their true feelings always find a way to slip into the open.

And if you think a girl is hiding the fact that she likes you, these 5 signs will help you find out the truth once and for all, And hopefully give you the courage to talk to her about it. And since we don’t want you to miss your chance at a possible relationship,we’re also sharing the “hidden” sign that’s so visible that it might as well be written on her forehead.So sit tight!

Here are 5 hidden signs a girl likes you and the 1 sign so obvious, there’s no excuse for missing it.

1. Intensity Break

So imagine this scenario: You’re in public

with your friends and all of a sudden you get the feeling you’re being watched...

The hair on your neck sticks up, your body becomes tense, and you slowly turn your head to find the source... Luckily, this isn’t some sort of horror movie where you come face to face with a violent and gruesome death. Instead, you turn your head and see a cute girl looking at you, which - I think we can all agree - is much better than the alternative. 

You lock eyes for an intense couple seconds and can almost see the sparks flying across the room. Then she looks away and leaves you wondering what the hell all that was about. That look of intensity where the two of you are staring into each other’s souls is one of the hidden signs a girl likes you. And then, because she realizes she’s displaying one of the subconscious signs of attraction she so desperately wants to hide, She breaks the intensity to prevent the truth from coming out... Do you know what to do when a girl looks at you like this? If it happens with a stranger, your best bet is to go up and talk to her. You have absolutely nothing to lose.

But if this happens with a girl you’ve known for quite some time, make a mental note and keep an eye out for the other hidden signs in this list. Because there might be more to your friendship than you initially thought.

2. A Song of Ice & Fire

Let’s say you and your crush have plans to meet up with some friends but the two of you are the first to arrive. And while you two are alone, you can feel the fire of her affection, and she’s not trying to hide her body language signs she’s attracted to you. But then your friends show up and all of a sudden, things are…Different.

 You try to continue the conversation you were having with her, but she’s suddenly distant, and might even be cold towards you. This switch from hot to cold is one of the most common hidden signs a girl likes you, and it can really mess with your head. You could tell there was something significant happening while you were alone, but the moment other people showed up, it died. Why? It could be for any number of reasons. She probably likes you, but maybe she doesn’t want other people to know just yet because she’s worried it’ll create a rift in the realm of your friend group. Or maybe she hasn’t accepted the fact that she can’t get enough of you and is afraid of it’ll ruin your friendship if she comes clean. 

  Her reasons for the emotional shift, tread lightly and see if you can figure out what’s going on behind the scenes without making it obvious. It’ll take time to get to the bottom of things, but if you start to notice a pattern of this type of off and on behavior from her, Find a time to privately ask her where you stand because everyone has secrets Nobody deserves to be led on.

3. (Almost) Open Book

When a girl has feelings for you, she’ll want to create a bond with you. And one of the ways she’ll do it is by opening up to you about her personal life. She’ll talk about everything from what her childhood was like to the time she got to hold a Capuchin Monkey at the zoo and it completely changed her life. But even after all that opening up, one of the hidden signs a girl likes you is this:

Whenever the topic of her love life comes up, there’s suddenly nothing to say. She’ll give you a wishy-washy answer about how she’s just waiting for the right person to come along, Or she’ll turn the question over to you so she doesn’t have to answer. Hell, she might even completely change the subject and attempt to make you forget you asked.Here’s the thing: If a girl doesn’t answer your questions about who she’s interested in, there’s a pretty good chance it’s you.

And as frustrating as it is, girls don’t like to spell out their feelings for guys they like. They want us to take the initiative and make the first move because most girls want a man who isn’t afraid to be bold. So instead of coming out and saying how they really feel, like an author writing a book, they’ll drop hints to try and lead us in the direction they want us to go. And just like a book is more satisfying if you take the time to read it instead of jumping straight to the end, A girl will slowly feed you chapters of her bookin hopes that you’ll take the time to read it…Then help her write the ending.

So what do you think? Is she into you and you’ve just been missing the signs? Well sit tight because we still have 2 more hidden signs a girl likes you that’ll help you figure it out once and for all. Plus, we still have to tell you the #1 most obvious sign a girl likes you… And she isn’t trying to hide it anymore, So even if you manage to miss all the other signs she’s hiding her feelings for you, you’ll be ready to take your shot when the time is right. So stay tuned ‘till the end.

For now, let’s get back to our list with #2.

4. It Goes Down in The DM’s

When it comes to dating, social media is anecessity these days.I mean, let’s face it - You’re much more likely to embarrass yourself in a face-to-face conversation than online. Online you have plenty of time to compose your thoughts and present the best version of yourself you can, So it’s only natural that people use it to make more meaningful connections. Of course, you shouldn’t spend ALL your time talking to a girl on social media, but if your crush likes you and she’s trying to keep it hidden,

One of the ways she’ll let you know is by sending you a private message or DM. She might want to comment on your posts or share a hilarious meme on your page, but she won’t because she doesn’t want everyone to see it. 

So take advantage of the privacy of the DM’s to have a conversation and do some flirting. Because the golden rule of online flirting is that if a girl sends you the first message, there’s a solid chance she’s into you. But remember… Most girls want you to make the first move so you might have to be the one to start the conversation. But then again, some girls are simply shy and are afraid to write you first. If that’s the case, to figure out how to tell if a shy girl likes you.

5. Magnetism

If you think about it, science is a wonderful thing. Hot air rises because it wants to be closer to its home, the sun. Honey never goes bad, and since bees make honey, bees must be immortal. And since magnets attract things, you can cover yourself in them to attract women. Science rules...

Obviously, none of these are true - but if a girl likes you, she’ll try to get close to you, and you won’t even have to raid your fridge.

So the next time you’re in a group with a girl you think secretly likes you, keep an eye on where she ends up. 

Does she always end up next to you in group conversations? Is she always in your car when the rides are heading out? Do you suddenly see her more often than normal because a change in her routine? If any of these seem familiar, she’s giving off one of the most blatant signs a woman wants to be approached… And she’s tired of hiding it. Alternatively, she might not even realize she has feelings for you, she’s just following her magnetic attraction to you. But hold your horses…Just because you see this sign, you shouldn’t unleash all your romantic feelings on her. The best thing you can do in this situation is to show her why you’re exactly the person she wants to be around. So be your awesome self and make it impossible for her to resist coming back for more.

The Most Obvious Sign She Has Feelings For You All of the other signs in this list are easy to miss if you don’t know to look for them, so we won’t fault you for not noticing them. But if she invites you to hang out one-on-one and you’re still wondering how to tell if a girl likes you... I’m afraid there’s not much else we can do for you... Unless you’re in a clearly defined platonic friendship, when a girl asks you to do something alone, She’s showing that she trusts you and enjoys your company so much that she wants you all to herself.

She’s also giving you the perfect opportunity to ask her out or express your own feelings. If you let an opportunity like this pass you by, especially if she’s been dropping the other hints on our list, She’ll either think you don’t like her back, you’re too dense to put the clues together, or worse... You’re too scared to make your move. So when she asks you out, don’t freak out because she didn’t call it a date.

She likes you. Now don’t blow it. Those are the 5 hidden signs a girl likes you and the most overt sign she’s done trying to keep it a secret.

 You'll know how to tell if a girl likes you using  psychological signs that you might be interested

How to tell if a girl likes you

No 1 

 she look at you whenever she laughs every girl is interested in you she will most likely look at you first when you're in a group  of friends and everyone starts laughing now the psychological and biological reasoning behind his telltale sign that she's genuinely interested in your reaction and wants to see if you thought it was funny too she wants to make an evaluation of you and it's still making subconscious judgments and what you think is funny and how you to function together as a pair she may look at a different person each time something is funny but if she sways towards you she's definitely interested however be careful watching for her reactions for she might be curious if you're looking at her too and things get awkward quick

No 2: 

  Dilated pupils so when someone sees something they are psychologically attracted to their pupils will physiologically increase in size of the three times to allow more light so that they can further observed the attractive stimulus she likes you and she wants to take all of you in and in order to do so her eyes must allow much more light in so her pupils will dilate it may be hard to see this from afar but if you can offer her something or ask her question make sure to pay close attention to her pupils before and after looking at you as other things can cause dilated pupils beforehand such as sunlight or alcohol notice the change not just the size of the pupils now 

No 3:

 whenever you're in a conversation with her look and see where her feet and torso appointed if they're pointed towards you it's a good sign see body language is a huge indicator of attraction and most of the time these are unconscious signs that are hard to duplicate consciously or to create a false positive if she feel safe around you and open to want you her feet and torso will show it especially in a group of more than five people if her body is open to specifically you and she's showing you more than two of these signs she's definitely interested in you 

No 4:

Multiple glances in a couple minutes one glance could mean anything two glances mean she's curious and anymore could signify that she's attracted to you watch for her across the room and see if she keeps checking in on you it's probably because she's attracted to you and doesn't want to lose the opportunity to be near you or talk to you

 No 5:

 Whenever she's with you she touches her lips that this was a hard one to point out as you have to notice the change just like her pupils not just a simple gesture as some women do this all the time they touched her lips all the time if she touches your lips when she's around you or she's looking at you this is a good sign if she looks at your lips however this is a great sign this is usually done subconsciously in a matter of milliseconds but a quick glance at your lips surely means she's attracted on a deep psychological matter

No 6: 

She actually plays with her hair when she's looking at you while she's talking to you she may play with her hair now this can be turned both ways though as some say it could be a sign that she wants to be away from you and wants to find comfort if she's playing with it and her palm is pointing towards you she probably feels safe and this is a good thing if she's fixing it up to make it look better she's probably attracted to you and want your attention and this is also a good thing howeverif she pulls it up away from her neck this can mean two different things.

She could be showing you that she feels safe and is doing so by allowing you to see one of the most important arteries or she could be doing it as a stress signal and her body temperature has risen and that she wants to get away but if she's truly attracted she'll be back.

 No 7:  

Actually talks about you with her friends and this one is super important if she talks about you with her friends it means she's cognitively thinking about you on a level that isn't subconscious which means that she's aware of her attraction for you and has already started debating on whether or not to act on it try to talk to her friends in a nonchalant manner and see if she says anything if you do this with someone you're not comfortable with it may seem like you're probing and asking questions about her and when she hears about this from her friends she would go nuts of course they may lie and say that she hasn't said anything and they might also say that she has even though she hasn't so don't ever rely on just one of these tips 

No 8:

 She accidentally touches you now accidental touching has huge psychological value you can tell if it's accidental or not just using common sense which making a job out of being next to you or were you simply walking by you and accidentally bumped into you also if it happens more than once and she apologized about it more than she probably should it might mean that she isn't doing it on purpose it doesn't want to come off creepy see if you can sneak in touching her hand lower back or face and some discreet manner that doesn't come off creepy and notice her reaction if she actually likes you she won't act disgusted or say anything rude about it however if she does there's the possibility that she might become nervous and try to leave quickly the

 No 9:

 If she gets nervous around you and you kind of have to be around a girl more than a couple of times you start noticing her behavior to see if she gets nervous around you remember in middle school when you could always tell to people who liked each other just by the way they acted that familiar awkwardness that so many of us wish to never look back on if it was two people who had no attraction to each other the awkwardness signs weren't really there unless they were both just awkward people in general which is basically describing my entire middle school experience but really if she gets nervous around you is probably a sign of attraction and she doesn't want to mess up a future with you if she doesn't care about a future with you she probably won't be nervous. 

No 10:

 If she sticks around you in public places now this is a pretty obvious one if she's attracted to you subconsciously or consciously she will want to be around you whether that's a baseball game a table in the lunchroom or even constantly coming to see you where you work the more she likes you the more times you want to spend around you and the closer she will be around you.

 So be closed and pay attention to all of these tips not just one or two when you're trying to figure out if someone like you and remember that execution is everything you can lay in bed at night wondering if they like you back for hours but unless you actually go out and do something you'll never get to where you want to be. 


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✓How to know if a girl likes you

✓Hidden Signs of a girl likes you

Amazing Human Phycology
