Amazing Facts About the Brain You Have to Know
when you learn something, you can unlearn it, but once you understood it, you cannot de-understand it again because understanding means that you change the way you process information, and since processing and output is one and the same in our brain, we understand very fast on the spot.
Before we start we should know about phycology behind the brain
The human brain also seems special in the amount of energy that it uses. Although it weighs only two percent of the body, it alone uses 25 percent of all the energy
that your body requires to run per day.
That's 500 calories out of a total of 2,000 calories, just to keep your brain working.
So the human brain is larger than it should be, it uses much more energy than it should, so it's special.
We found that we have, on average,
86 billion neurons, 16 billion of which are in the cerebral cortex, and if you consider that the cerebral cortex is the seat of functions like awareness and logical and abstract reasoning, and that 16 billion is the most neurons that any cortex has, I think this is the simplest explanation for our remarkable cognitive abilities.
But just as important is what the 86 billion neurons mean. Because we found that the relationship between the size of the brain and its number of neurons could be described mathematically, we could calculate what a human brain would look like if it was made like a rodent brain.So, a rodent brain with 86 billion neurons would weigh 36 kilos. That's not possible.
A brain that huge would be crushed
by its own weight and this impossible brain would go in the body of 89 tons.
I don't think it looks like us. So this brings us to a very important conclusion already,
which is that we are not rodents.
The human brain is not a large rat brain.
Compared to a rat, we might seem special, yes, but that's not a fair comparison to make, given that we know that we are not rodents. We are primates, so the correct comparison is to other primates. And there, if you do the math, you find that a generic primate with 86 billion neurons would have a brain of about 1.2 kilos, which seems just right, in a body of some 66 kilos, which in my case is exactly right, which brings us to a very unsurprising but still incredibly important conclusion:
Why does it cost so much energy, then?
Well, other people have figured out how much energy the human brain and that of other species costs, and now that we knew how many neurons each brain was made of, we could do the math. And it turns out that both human and other brains cost about the same, an average of six calories per billion neurons per day. So the total energetic cost of a brain is a simple, linear function of its number of neurons, and it turns out that the human brain costs just as much energy as you would expect.
So the reason why the human brain costs so much energy is simply because it has a huge number of neurons, and because we are primates with many more neurons for a given body size than any other animal,
the relative cost of our brain is large, but just because we're primates, not because we're special with our 86 billion neurons and 60 to 70 kilos of body mass, we should have to spend over nine hours per day every single day feeding, which is just not feasible. If we ate like a primate, we should not be here.
Well, if our brain costs just as much energy
as it should, and if we can't spend
every waking hour of the day feeding, then the only alternative, really, is to somehow get more energy out of the same foods.
And remarkably, that matches exactly
What our ancestors are believed to have invented?
One and a half million years ago, when they invented cooking. To cook is to use fire
to pre-digest foods outside of your body. Cooked foods are softer, so they're easier to chew and to turn completely into mush in your mouth, so that allows them to be completely digested and absorbed in your gut, which makes them yield much more energy in much less time.
So cooking frees time for us to do much more interesting things with our day and with our neurons than just thinking about food, looking for food, and gobbling down food all day long.
So because of cooking, what once was
a major liability, this large, dangerously expensive brain with a lot of neurons,could now become a major asset, now that we could both afford the energy for a lot of neurons and the time to do interesting things with them. So I think this explains
why the human brain grew to become so large so fast in evolution, all of the while remaining just a primate brain with this large brain now affordable by cooking, we went rapidly from raw foods to culture, agriculture, civilization, grocery stores, electricity, refrigerators, all of those things that nowadays allow us to get all the energy we need for the whole day in a single sitting at your favorite fast food joint.
What is going on in your mind
when you use information to give rise to new thoughts. This is important because information is all around us. Many people think it all starts with data. Date, the resource of the 21st century. Data is everywhere. Companies collect our data, we do data analysis and data correlation, but in fact, data itself is pretty simple:
It's just a collection of letters and numbers,
signs you can process electronically, but have no meaning, And you can measure data, but you cannot measure an idea.
When you have a thousand thoughts, only one, the real game changer. So, maybe information is more important. We have so many tools nowadays to acquire information.We have smart phones, mobile devices, the internet everywhere. But never mix up information with having an idea or knowledge, because you can Google information, but you cannot Google an idea. Because having an idea, acquiring knowledge, understanding stuff, this is what is happening in your mind
Most of the things run subconsciously, which makes it damn hard to investigate
but even more interesting. So, let's zoom into the brain to check out what is going on when we think.
Human brain Vs Computer
Many people think the brain is something like a supercomputer ,like the ultimate calculating engine. It is supposed to be extremely fast, super connected, and highly accurate.
When you have something on your mind, like right now hopefully, a picture, or an image, or something like that, you can see very sharp and precise and switch very easily, much faster than a computer,
Well computers use algorithms. Algorithms are basically stepwise recipes telling you what to do. So, when a computer faces a certain problem, for instance recognize a face or solve an equation or whatsoever,
the basic principle goes like this: You have an input, then you process that input according to the algorithm, finally reaching an output. Input, processing, output.
That's great when you don't do any mistakes because when you do a mistake at the beginning, you're screwed at the end. That's why computers sometimes break down and end up in a blue screen.
What a sad face, by the way, poor guy.
Computers break down. Brains do not break down.
Brain cells are dumb on their own, cannot do anything much. But if you have a lot of them, you end up with something we call
an activity pattern, an activity state of that specific neuronal network. And this activity pattern, this is what we call a thought.
When is an idea a good one?
When somebody else says, "This is a good idea," but this social interaction, this social feedback, this try and error, this social practice, cannot be digitized right now.
And that's one reason why truly new ideas will stay analogue in our future.
You see that this kind of thinking gives us great advantage when it comes to creating new ideas, and we call that special type
of thinking "concept thinking," or categorized thinking. And instead of explaining the theoretical background
and explaining what's behind that,
You give a self-learning algorithms
a gazillion of images and a couple of hundred images of chairs and then it analyzes the whole data and says with 98 per cent certainty that a chair is an object with four legs, a seat, and a backrest. But we don't do that; we understand that a chair is not a special shaped object, but something you can sit on. And once you understood that, you see chairs everywhere. You can create new chairs, with new designs and Features.
So We're going to learn about shocking facts about the human brain now let's begin
Shocking facts about the brain
(Fact No 1)
Intellectual Peaks
Your brain stops growing when
you're 25 but that doesn't mean you've reached your intellectual peak. Cognitive change is a lifelong process some skills like memory and processing speed max out in your mid-20s.
You'll excel at facial recognition and problem-solving in your 30s and then gain emotional control and empathy in your 40s and 50s. A select few skills like vocabulary take even longer peaking in your 60s and 70s now your brain may have matured but your mind has plenty of room to grow that's why you should never stop learning no matter how old you get
(Fact No 2)
Audible sites
Have you ever heard that missing one of your senses amplifies the others going blind or losing your hearing won't make you a superhero but it can give you a few different neurological advantages.
A 2011 study found that people who are born blind sometimes develop a new way to process the world around them they essentially begin seeing through their ears hmm the human brain excels at adapting to difficult situations. This kind of reorganization is called neuroplasticity.
So when someone can't see the brain automatically searches for an innovative solution it will often rewire itself to process auditory information over visual information. It isn't quite the same as normal vision but this work around can yield some pretty amazing results.
(Fact No 3)
Hogging blood the average
Person's brain weighs about 3 pounds now for someone who weighs 150 pounds total that's only 2% of their body weights that's barely anything when you think about how important the brain is to your body but without it you couldn't do anything you think you couldn't speak no you couldn't even move so how does such a small organ manage so many executive functions.
The real difference between the brain and the rest of the body isn't in its size it's the amount of oxygen and blood that your brain needs to work like it's supposed to so even though it's only 2% of your weights it requires about 20 % of your body's supply of oxygen that's more than all of your other skeletal muscles combined. So if you've ever wondered how blood is distributed inside your body now you know the brain is taking a significant chunk yeah it's a blood hog
(Fact No 4)
Miles of blood vessels
Since it needs so much blood an intricate network of vessels is working around the clock to bring oxygen to every part of the brain because if one section isn't getting enough blood you start losing basic functions.
Some people experience blindness or fatigue others lose all feeling in one or more parts of their body almost like you're paralyzed so how many blood vessels does it take to keep your brain up and running well to know for sure you'd have to untangle a web of veins arteries and capillaries. You'd see that the average person has hundreds of miles of blood vessels inside their head yeah I know that doesn't seem possible does it your blood vessels are just so thin and tightly woven together that they fit inside a much smaller space.
Now researchers are still working on counting the number of blood vessels in your brain we do however know that
the entire body measures up to 100,000 miles what that's like driving around the widest part of the earth four times and those are the blood vessels of just one average-sized person imagine how much
distance the entire human race could cover.
(Fact No 5)
Brain starvation
So what happens when your brain doesn't get any oxygen at all how long can it last before something goes wrong. The answer is not very long after five to six minutes without oxygen you're risking significant brain damage that's because your brain can't actually store any oxygen on its own it relies on the body to send a constant supply all day every day and if that stops happening your brain only has a few minutes left to live
(Fact No 6)
Neural speed way
Every action in the brain starts with an electrical signal some are sluggish and slow others race across the brain clocking in at over 230 miles per hour Wow the speed of a signal depends primarily on what kind of signal it is when you touch a hot surface.
For example that sensation speeds through your body it starts at the sensory receptors on your hand passes through your spinal cord and then enters your cerebral cortex there you perceive and process how hot the surface is which sends a new electrical signal rushing through your brain and
your body.
So if you've ever wondered why it takes a second to realize how hot something is you found your answer
(Fact No 7)
Thousands of thoughts
You spend the majority of the day thinking you wonder if anyone has noticed the stain on your shirt you think about whether or not you locked your car so many random thoughts pop into your head all day long but has anyone ever tried to count them.
Researchers go back and forth on the exact number but most agree the average person has about 50,000 thoughts every single day that's at least 2,100 thoughts per hour the most are small and repetitive but it just goes to show your brain never stops working
(Fact No 8)
Shrinking brains
Who do you think has a larger brain modern humans or our early ancestors this discovery surprised researchers around the world it turns out our ten thousand year old ancestors had larger brains than
we do about ten percent larger to be exact but it's not because they were necessarily smarter than us.
Several neuroscientists have explained this change in brain size our brains are getting smaller because our bodies are too so that means we have a smaller nervous system so we can afford to carry a lighter more efficient brain than our ancestors. There are plenty of times when smaller brains outperform larger ones.
Instant computations are a great example we may not have as much room to store information but our processing speed is through the roof when you think about it.
Our brains have gotten smaller to adapt to our modern lives if we really needed bigger brains well we'd still have them
(Fact No 9)
The fattiest organ
Your brain is actually the fattiest organ in
your entire body right fat head think about the construction of the human brain.
Are you picturing the hundreds of millions of neurons the complicated network of blood vessels the dozens of glands secreting all kinds of hormones but did you know that 60% of your brain is just plain old fat despite being one of the largest organs in the body. The brain doesn't have any muscle. It controls muscles and a whole lot of them but it's made of fatty tissue .
Here's the problem your body makes a lot of different things but fat isn't one of them. So all the fat your brain uses for performance and repair has to come from the food you eat. This is why so many dietitians push people to consume large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.
Now those important fats facilitate brain development stave off disease and preserve your mental health. So do your brain a favor and work a little more fish into your diet
(Fact No 10)
Synchronized brains countless
Studies have shown the extraordinary
ways that music interacts with the human brain it evokes emotions recalls memories improves creativity and problem-solving.
But a German study discovered that music could actually synchronize brain functions to test this out they scan the brains of two musicians while they played music together and sure enough the music slowly but surely synchronize their brainwaves. It's very possible that the best bands sound so good together because their brains are working in tandem
(Fact No 11)
First brain surgeries
If you had to guess when would you say the first brain surgery was ever conducted the surgical world made its first real bit of progress in the late 18th century.
Yeah you'd think the first brain surgery happened somewhere around then right after all brain surgery is one of the most complicated and volatile kinds of surgery there is just one little slip-up could completely ruin your patients life a tiny cut could steal away their speech or change their entire personality well surprisingly the first brain surgery happened during the Stone Age.
Yeah over 5,000 years ago early humans were doing something called trepanation it's when you remove a bone from someone's skull archeologists have already found dozens of examples of this ancient surgical technique chances are it wasn't all that safe or effective but these people were still performing surgery before things like math or written language ever existed
(Fact No 12)
Five-year-olds brain
The brain develops in a pretty strange way when you're born. It's about 1/4 of the size of an adult brain that's pretty big. Considering how small an infant actually is but as we all know there's a lot of things a baby can't quite get their heads around that's because their quarter-sized brain is primarily focused on keeping them alive. It handles automatic processes like making your heart beats and helping your lungs breathe.
Now you'd expect your brain to
keep growing at a steady pace right that way by the time you get to turn say 25 it would be full grown but that isn't how your brain works it actually doubles in size during the first year of life and by 3 years old your brain is almost 80% of an adult brain that number jumps up the 90% by the age of 5.
During those crucial years your brain is forming millions of new synapses. Every single second it's learning everything from symbol recognition to behavioral habits which are important functions that you'll need later in life. So the next time you're talking to a five-year-old try to remember that their brain is almost as big as yours.
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